Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brahms' 1st

Deep in the mahogany forest
              the motes    the peat
              the sodden scarves of moss
              the bare thorns of oak
         risen from dense clay
              knifing the wind
                                 a black raven
                                 unblinks, sheds
                                                 knittings of fog.
              And black waves
                                  lap shores of night.

       *                  *                  *

I rode the back of an
   enormous swan. I held a
                    silver torch
                              taller than time

                    I poured a rich basket
                       golden grain
                              across the arms of earth.

   I pulled together

       *                  *                  *

It is the time to
             build the blossom fortress.
             To roar the pride.
             To glee!

       *                  *                  *

Unleash your bound
              it's dissolving
              it's resounding
                    the purple throne of
                          pure grace.
                    The fine hymn of
                          stepping free and fine.

A brass. A full rose,
     A chime. A season
                         rich and bright.

Mendelssohn Concerto in E Minor with Johathan Crow of Violin

Sweet stars of blue
           sea songs of     spring
           snapdragon chariots
                                   cresting emerald way,

           a great broad path of
                       crystalline milk
                                   orb of brilliant peace.

Race now, dance, trip, flip,
          slip to cinnamon
          vault the castle of joy!