Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bath Time

By dint of fulsome bother
      swapping de 3s and 7s
                      for 2s and 6s
                      in the offing,
                      still, a way's away.

Linger this lude.
Tarry in the time tank,
                      like olden.

      Soaking nostrils
      dipping ass crust in soft bath
      chewing sunshine that drips chin
      many molecules pound perifery.
      Pores loosed, leak miasma
      fluid fingers drum walled
                      pipe tube.

Why for?

      To dulge, flow, ponder,
                               wander, lapse,
      Another lost day.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Days of Rumpus

Fur tweezers
waxed mentum barreling to board.

The figures and the anguish
The scheming and the fervent
The stutter and the project
The dither and the bother
The whole kaboodle a-kilter,
                                     faltering, floundering
                                     impending arc of
                                     upturned catapault,
                                     lounging for gravity
                                     betwixt oops and
                                     shattered ceramic:

                 We go again.

                 Rounding ring,
                 groaning coils
                 trampoline spring
                 thrummed abandon,
                 tracing flounce —
                 gravity interrupt.

                 flip sky morrow.


Friday, February 6, 2015

After Week Words

Chewed, gulping, closed-eyed meat cavity
                    We world swallowers
                    teeth thrust forward
                                 bite soft thorns
                                 soaked in grey wet
                                 drained poodle
                                             tugging tail of drowned worm.

Oh February — sodden season
                    host of hunger ache
                                 hollow fog
                                 fallow moat
                                 brown down cat tails
                    traversed by eaters:
                                 beak mawed
                                 tooth jawed
                                 lip biters
                                 cud molars.

                    And all their shit
                    washed thin beige
                    by shower slurry.