Monday, January 26, 2015

Committee of the Whole

Vivv, vervy Wunderbar Willcommen!
Bubhub, chutter, murrerfolk
de bubbling - oh - de chairs all butted
                                             no empties.

Tortelling frabulation
de people representing:

     Charm the sky!
     Cherish the quaff!
     Un harrow the soil!

public that wish to speak:
          [the heritage return to state]
          [branch of attractive firebrick]

Bring that problem to its knees
Such as sure lenses, best unanimous
Actions tell us do tall up to it.
              Walk our talk.
              Look long back ways go overnight.
              Issue crawl past bedtime.

A tiny blue dot suspended in sun beam.
One only home granted for Rupert.


So wavery:   the home the job the logisitics
                     trading fine for a fantasy
                     then road shlepping for 12 years
                     fleeing paranoia, shoes of evasion,
                     cloak of stupidity
                     elbow skin and jowl tugged
                                          by strands of goo.

If we asked the wise man, he would perplex:
                   "All one taste
                     un so constrained
                     none to mortgage
                     no whence from flight
                     no time for haste."

We have chained our cuffs
to bent offramp fender
suburban spiral leads to
4-way stop.

Broad way of awakening
buzzing in vagrant half-noted


Saturday, January 17, 2015

O Koronado

O Koronado
                    your gold is nigh
                    pull the threads from floss
                            of mares of harvest
                    gliding 35 seconds.
                                        Silver schooner
                                        rattan teeth
                                                           clenching wind.

On the rail, getta soul
                    charred sage
                    milk weed weep
                                        grade the stone
                                                            freight ton.

Ears, tampering years
                    banjo rhumba
                    fire skin
                    shards of wine
                                        gathering beneath feet.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fin of Hiatus

Head of groan -- oats mushed
              and wheezle drum ear flowers
              tin tin ing with flaxen needles
              pop snappling on a lurching jaw cross.
The furry pillars on my brow
              all antennae extended
              by thumb brush.
Squeakerlings yodel and commote
              they cling a thin whine
              screwing up spasm of discomfit.

The drab and the heavy.
The long leagues of looming lumber.
The eyes rolled up scratching lids.
The drear awaits poised upon waning wings.

Azure seas now minished
Syrup sand ungotten
Creamy papaya flesh melting into tomorrow's excrement.
Maui untook, parted, bandoned.

Morrow hurtles hither.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Black Sand Beach

Black orbs clicking -- thousands.
White foam frothing, flopping, popping, melting clear
                    tumble carpet
Surge lifts, spreads smooth basalt frosting,
                    fragmenting sky.

Dig fingers in sliding slurry
Grab fist full, but fist is empty.
Clench stones, but stones don't longer.
Immerse foam, but vanished.

Pebbles, grains, liquid light, heaving crest:

vanish upon touch.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Palm's Persistence

Words of palm
spoken in leaves
by insistant wind.

Sliced breath
scampering cords

Ancient stories of storm rip
ribs torn open
chimes along a supple spine.

Each frond's needles
must knit to core
another year's tough new topping.

Persist by bending
from firm root.