Friday, December 3, 2021


I'm searching for that moment...
fumbled by the fingers of my mind, as it
stumbled down the driveway of seduction.

Straightened back,
I'm poising like a heron,
but the silver minnow
swiftly gulped me up,
                        beak to tail.

Coming back, crack my shoulders,
Let the breath release
then asking, look carefully, look
for something
stable, metamorphosizes
into slumping
as my lashes intertwine
and romping dreams,
marching in formation,
begin to honk the tuba.

What was that!

Sit back up, now softly turn
the gaze within
probing for the boundaries of peace
floating comfy breathing lungs,

I'm spinning like a daisy,
I'm buzzing down for pollen,
I'm gliding through the meadow,
       (completely lost my compass),
slouching into lapse,

musters to the
corner of my lip:
a pearl of saliva.


Neon channel, licked in flame
elbowed up through shadow
branching darkly
circling rush, capsules tumbling
jostled plasma
branching finely down
to single file
basket fulls aroma
enriching gravy, amino broth
feeding all the scaffold webs
grey mouths craving
toothless mouths a-sponging
not fully quenched
they're oozing threads of wax
bile and pus
phlegmatic trickle
hoppered into baskets
like sushi plate flotilla
clatter back
sour gassing up
percolating sludge, it's
merging into blue, it's
squeezing up
swarming into clouds
copper clouds transpiring
exhausting past esophagus
drains out onto

vapours melting into light
swept up by the frost.